DIaper Depot

Diaper Depot is a Central Presbyterian Church ministry providing disposable diapers to families in need. Parents, grandparents, or legal guardians may register a child in need of diapers. Children may only be registered once. At the monthly event, families can receive 50 diapers or 15 training pants for one or two children.
In addition, families may be given free-range eggs courtesy of Pete and Gerry’s in Greencastle and in-season produce from SCAAP’s Gleaning Project.
To provide disposable diapers for babies and toddlers whose families are struggling to meet this very basic need. Families are served regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity.
On Diaper Depot day (dates listed in image to the right), come to Central Presbyterian Church’s parking lot (parking map). Bring your ID and your child(s) birth certificate(s). Complete a registration form. You will be issued a key tag which you will bring to future events, along with your photo ID.

There are two opportunities each month. The Wednesday before the distribution event, at 3 pm,
volunteers sort and pack diapers for about 1 to 1.5 hours. On Saturday, set up begins at 9 am with distribution from 10 am until Noon. Volunteers are needed until diapers are all stored at around 12:30 pm.
Diaper Depot at Central accepts donations of diapers and money. Civic groups, businesses, and organizations are welcome to conduct a diaper drive.
To donate diapers and/or coordinate a diaper drive, email
Monetary donations can be made online here. Make sure you indicate Diaper Depot in the notes.
Diaper Depot is run completely by volunteers from CPC and interested community members. Students from local high schools are regular volunteers, as well. A board of directors meets monthly to reevaluate the program.
If you are interested in getting further involved, we encourage you to volunteer at a few events and talk with a coordinator.
The average monthly diaper budget is $2,600 to $3,600. All diapers purchased by the church are manufactured in Pennsylvania from McKesson Industries.
Diaper Depot at Central is made possible thanks to the generous donations of individuals, organizations, businesses, and grant funding. Special thanks to the Franklin County Community Foundation and the Greater Harrisburg Foundation Upstream Grant.